5 Most Scenic Waterfalls in Uganda


Uganda is endowed with a number of waterfalls which provides wonderful scenic views, beauty, turbulence and powerful rapids. This justifies that Uganda is gifted by nature and the pearl of Africa as stated by Churchill on his visit to Uganda. Here are the most scenic waterfalls in Uganda;

Murchison Falls:

Murchison Falls Uganda

Murchison Falls is situated in Murchison falls national park. The Nile explodes violently through a narrow 6m gorge and upstream, the Victoria Nile hurtles through the rift’s hinterland down an explosive 80km of rapids that rafters consider one of the world’s scariest sections of white water, but provide a unique exhilarating experience. However, the most dramatic view of the water fall is found at top of the falls where the sight and sound of the Nile crashing through the 6m wide chasm is an unforgettable assault on the senses. This is the best of River Nile!! And provides a wonderful view of which every human being should visit before death!! You should not miss taking an expedition to the bottom of the falls while on a safari in Uganda through the Murchison Falls National Park.

Ssezibwa Falls

Ssezibwa Falls
The Sezibwa Falls in Central Uganda

This lies 35km along Kampala Jinja road makes it worth visiting. The falls are situated in one of Buganda district known as Buikwe. It is believed many hundred years ago according to legend that a woman called Nakangu of the Achibe (fox) clan- among the Baganda clans derive from animal nomenclature, gave not to twin children as naturally expected, but to a twin river. It is believed that Ssezibwa falls is a source of blessings for those who believe in African religions. Many people visit ssezibwa falls to set fire for the spirits.

Mpanga Falls

This is also known as Beaton Falls, the 50m high falls is a magnificent sight and well worth a visit. The embodying river Mpanga that feeds Lake George gives shape and beauty to the falls. It rushes through a great cleft in the rift valley’s eastern escarpment towards the lake and also rushes through a rocky chasm of exotic spray forest of cycad, a species endemic to Mpanga Gorge, to the dramatic Mpanga Falls. The gorge encloses the falls and the falls supports the lush spray forest.

Bujagali Falls

This is one of the most fascinating, beautiful and turbulent waterfall in Jinja district. It’s endowed with series of large rapids which are a delight to many sightseers and rafters.

Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls Uganda

This is truly a Uganda’s most beautiful water fall situated in Mountain elgon National park. Wherever you look at Sipi Falls, you are afforded beauty. Save for enjoying the beautiful scenery, you can take walks around the falls itself or further up to the base of Mountain Elgon. This together with the opportunity to climb and abseil around the falls for both the experienced and inexperienced makes Sipi Falls well worth every effort to get there.

Other Falls in Uganda include Kisizi Waterfall, Mahoma waterfall in Fort Portal which is small but attractive with a great natural power-shower, Mungiro water falls in Semiliki National Park, Nkusi water falls which pours into Lake Albert, Karuma Falls among others.

Formation of waterfalls:

Water falls are formed when a river meet a steep inclining slope. It can also be formed when a river meet an obstacle on its way.

Below are some of the theories which explain the formation of water falls:

-Waterfalls are often formed where a layer of harder rock overlays a layer of softer rock. Harder rock Softer rock

-As the river passes over the softer rock, it is able to erode it at a faster rate, forming a step in the river bed. Harder rock Softer rock Harder rock Softer rock Harder rock Softer rock Harder rock Softer rock

-Harder rock Softer rock i. deepens the step to form a plunge pool at the base of the waterfall ii. it undercuts the harder rock to form a notch Further erosion makes the plunge pool and notch bigger over time. 3. The force of hydraulic action does two things:

-Harder rock Softer rock As the notch grows, eventually there isn’t enough support under the harder rock and so it collapses into the plunge pool .

-Harder rock Softer rock This adds rocks and boulders to the plunge pool, and so the process of corrasion works with hydraulic action to further erode the plunge pool and notch .

-The processes of erosion continue, further eroding out the notch and plunge pool. Eventually the harder rock above will collapse again, meaning that the waterfall will retreat upstream over time. Harder rock Softer rock

-As it retreats, it leaves behind a steep sided gorge .


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