CAROM Seeds: Health Benefits

Carom Seeds

We use lot of modern types of medicine in various forms for every health problem that arises. I dare say, this is not necessarily important. This kind of lifestyle is mostly common in European and of recent in African communities. On the basis of personal experience, I can testify that there many herbs which are a source of similar or even better medicinal values.

Below are some herbs which are substitutes to modern medicine (drugs, solutions, or liquid forms for injection purposes).

Scientific name – Trachyspermum copticum (Family: Umbelliferae) which is also known as Bishop’s weed or carom seeds. This herb is in the family of annual herbs in the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).

Seed Properties:

  • Shape: Oval and ridged.
  • Size: Very small
  • Color: Yellowish-brown to grayish green
  • Taste: Hot and pungent taste
  • Leaves: Small feather-like
  • Fragrance: Strong odor, like Thyme          

It is an annual herbal plant growing up to three feet high. The seeds range from olive green to brown in colour. The plant is originated in the eastern Mediterranean, possibly Egypt, and spread up to India from the Near East. In the present day, it is mainly cultivated in India and Iran.

The seeds contain – dietary fiber (11.9%), carbohydrates (38.6%), tannins, glycosides, moisture (8.9%), protein (15.4%), fat (18.1%), sapiens, flavone, and mineral matter (7.1%) containing phosphorous, calcium, iron and nicotinic acid. Ajwain fruits yield 2 percent to 4 percent brownish essential oil, with thymol as the major constituent (35% to 60%).

The functions Carom Seeds

Flu and Colds

The seeds are well known for antibacterial essential oil and, along with thyme.  It can be used to boost the immune system to ward off the flu, colds, and other viral infections. Thymol is also used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal ailments, lack of appetite and bronchial problems. In addition, it aids in releasing the mucus and phlegm from the nasal tracts.

Relief from Flatulence, Gas and Bloating

In the case of flatulence, Trachyspermum copticum and dried ginger in equal weight may be soaked in two and half the quantity of lime juice. This mixture is then dried and powdered with a little black salt. A teaspoon taken with a little warm water does wonders. Additionally, it is very useful in alleviating spasmodic pains of the intestines and stomach in children as well as adults and is a good anti-acidic agent.

Improves Digestion

Consuming 1 tablespoon of raw seeds with a natural sweeter can help you get rid of indigestion.  With it, you will overcome many types of digestion complications. If you continue to experience this kind of problems, it is then advisable to consult a doctor.

Beneficial During Pregnancy

Due to its great curative and anti-inflammatory properties, it is vital for lactating and pregnant mothers. The few seeds also maintain proper health of the unborn child.

Reduces Weight

Drink a half glass of water with soaked carom seeds on an empty stomach. This will dissolve the fats in your body to leave you with required levels. Consume teaspoon of carom seeds on an empty stomach every morning. It will helps you to lose about 4 to 5 kg in a month.

Respiratory System

One of the therapeutic effects of Trachyspermum capsicum is its effect on the respiratory system. It is used as anti-dyspnoea and anti-asthma in traditional medicine. In this context, numerous analysis has been carried out including inhibitory and relaxant effects on histamine receptors, an antitussive effect in guinea pigs, stimulatory effect on adrenoreceptors of guinea pigs’ tracheal smooth muscles, and its bronchodilator effect on airways of asthmatic individuals.

Weight Loss and reduce blood pressure

They contain dietary fiber that may help you lose weight and get significantly healthier. According to a study issued in the Annals of Internal Medicine, aiming to consume at least 30 grams of dietary fibre daily, may lower your blood pressure, can help you lose weight, and improve your body’s response to insulin (this is very important in dealing with two types of diabetics) just as efficiently as a more complicated diet.

Moreover,  another study issued in the Journal of Nutrition concluded that increasing your dietary fibre intake by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories, you may lose approximately 4 ½ pounds of weight in two years.

Kidney disorders

These seeds are beneficial to curing stones in kidney. They are also useful in treating pains due to kidney disorders. 


Consuming carom seeds with warm water removes mucus from the body and relieves from cold and cough. It is also helpful in treating bronchitis and asthma. Consume it with jaggery twice a day.

Mouth problems

These seeds have been proven to cure tooth pain. Use one part of the olive oil and one part of the carom oil with water to treat a toothache and bad odour. This helps to maintain oral hygiene.

Itching, Boils, and Eczema
Grind these Ajwain seeds with lukewarm water into a paste. Apply it on the affected areas. If possible for better results clean those areas with ajwain water.

For inflammations due to pimples, boils and eczema make the paste of carom seeds with lemon juice which will remove this swelling.


Massage with this Carom seeds oil on affected joints regularly to get relief from the arthritis pain.

Side effects of ajwain (carom seeds)

While bishop’s weed is safe for daily use when taken in moderate dosages, care should be taken when using it for long period. It may cause photosensitivity in some individuals, particularly when taken regularly for prolonged periods of time.

Moreover, this remarkable spice should also be avoided by individuals suffering from liver diseases, diverticulitis conditions, and ulcerative colitis.


Keep these seeds away from humidity and direct sunlight, in an air-tight bottle. They can remain fresh for up to one year.


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