Painless Anaesthesia in Dentistry

By Dr Tom Mutyabule Many patients put off dental treatment because they are worried or scared of the treatment – in fact, many patients confess...

NGO Steps up Epilepsy Awareness Campaign

Epilepsy Support Association Uganda {ESAU}, a local Non Governmental Organization has called upon Government and stakeholders to step up awareness campaign to eradicate Epilepsy...

What You Should Know About The ‘Morning After’ Pill

You won’t believe how this “Morning after” conversation started. During lunch break with my colleagues we were talking about women related issues from light...

Research: Women Experience Lasting Health Problems After Childbirth

Every year, at least 40 million women are likely to experience a long-term health problem caused by childbirth, according to a new study published...

Most Common Side Effects of Viagra

Since it’s innovation, Viagra has given a lot of impotent men some hope in their sex lives and has made it possible for them...

Oral Sex Causes Cancer – Experts

Men are twice as likely as women to get cancer of the mouth and throat linked to the human papillomavirus, or HPV, one of...

What is Ebola Virus?

Ebola is a highly contagious virus, which is very easily spread through body fluids such as mucus, saliva or blood. It displays itself with...

The 8 Benefits of Regular Exercise

Exercise is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and requires your body to burn calories.There are many types of physical activity,...

6 Foods That Will Vamp Up Your Sex Life

Man and woman Want to live a long, healthy and vibrant life? Maintaining a healthy sex life can actually assist you on that path,...

Novel Study Targets Minimization of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Uganda

Uganda, where the struggle against mother-to-child HIV transmission persists, a beacon of hope emerges from the halls of Mbarara University of Science and Technology....

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