Miss Uganda Talent Night

Miss Uganda Talent Night

The Miss Uganda academy in a quest to find a new face each year goes around the country not only looking for a Beauty Queen with purpose but also to discover talent. Well, that definitely defines the recently concluded Miss Uganda talent show an episode of the Miss Uganda quest where the beautiful girls are tasked to show case their talents.

Sunday 9th October 2016, wasn’t just another Independence Day evening for the Grand finale contestants of Miss Uganda 2016 edition, as their families and friends were treated to a talent show case at the Deluxe Carnival restaurant in Naguru.

As it has been the case for miss Uganda to have a pinch of glamour, the treat and unique environment at the Carnival brought that out very well.

The show case started off with the Uganda National anthem presented by the contestants something that was really impressive because the young group sung the three verses which many of us Ugandans can hardly do!


The talent show was mostly dominated by performances of different cultural dances as many contestants danced to the rhythm of the Rakaraka, Kadodi, Kiganda and Kitaguluro sounds. However, an additional performance of an urban and foreign dance style was done too, as some contestants chose to perform Salsa and Hip Hop themed dances.

Poetry and drama made it to the list of interest and this was well showcased proving that the contestants are not only Beautiful Queens but are also gifted in composing and performing their craft in drama and poetry.

Aside from the obvious choice of talent, some contestants had unique interests like Television presenting and gymnastics, choices that quite got many people in the audience impressed by the contestants. One reveler was heard commending the choices as creative.

All round, the contestants where very impressive with their performances and as the event closed, the contestants danced as a group and performed to the currently famous song of Sinachi “I know who Iam” as they thanked the revelers for the support.

Miss Uganda 2016 grand finale is set to be on Saturday 15th, October 2016 at the prestigious Kampala Serena hotel at Shs 40,000 for students who will present their ID’s at the ticket purchase points, Shs 70,000 for an ordinary ticket and 2millon shillings for a table.


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